
Environmental Management

Environmental management involves several key principles and practices aimed at protecting, preserving, and enhancing our environment.

Air quality, water use, discharges to the water environment, noise and nuisance, waste management and environmental incidents all fall under the scope of this plan.

Pollution prevention is a significant aspect of environmental management and while we want to reduce pollution events across Scotland’s Railway, we also want to encourage our people to report them.

Our planning, assurance programme, risk management system, competencies and awareness, operational controls and performance evaluation are all considered.

We’re committed to improving our impact on the planet and will drive continual improvement across all aspects of environmental management.

Over the next five years, our objective is to use risk and assurance-supported data to set targeted objectives each year, aimed at reducing environmental incidents and actions raised. To achieve this, we are working towards delivering five key outcomes in this space:

  1. The impacts of poor air quality are actively reduced
  2. The water environment is protected
  3. Nuisance arising from noise is minimised
  4. Our waste reduction targets are achieved
  5. The risk of environmental incidents occurring is reduced

To find out more about our approach to environmental management and to see our delivery plan for this priority you can download our Climate Action Plan.