
Levenmouth Rail Link

Levenmouth Rail Link

The reinstatement of Levenmouth Rail Link will provide the area with a major boost to economic sustainability and connectivity.

It will deliver opportunities for local people - unlocking access to education, culture, entertainment and employment options, as well attracting new business and investment.

Project moves to delivery phase

Transport Scotland, Network Rail and our industry partners have worked closely to develop the delivery programme which now includes a significantly expanded project scope delivering additional investment and realising additional opportunities and benefits.

Thornton junction connects onto the new Levenmouth branch
Thornton junction connects onto the new Levenmouth branch

The project that we will deliver is significantly different and much enhanced from that envisaged in 2019 when the project was first announced.

It now includes further investment in electrification and active travel routes and opportunities in freight and tourist / charter connections and additional bridge works within the delivery – as well as the previously announced double-tracking and stations.

Station Locations

As part of the Levenmouth Rail link development, there will be two new stations on the line at Cameron Bridge and at Leven.

You can find more details of the station sites on the Location tab.

We have now developed and submitted planning applications for both station sites (October '22) and following this, we will construct the facilities that will serve as the gateway to the rail network for the local communities denied access to passenger services for more than five decades.

Project Timeline

  1. Old track is lifted and recycled - July 2021
  2. First mile of track and Thornton junction connection completed - August 2022
  3. Station planning applications submitted - November 2022
  4. Bawbee bridge work added to scope of project - January 2023
  5. Project planned for completion - Spring 2024

Project Updates

  • Network Rail announce date for reopening of Bawbee bridge

    Network Rail has announced the proposed date for the opening of the new River Leven Road (Bawbee) bridge following completion of work to rebuild the section above Leven station.

    Bawbee bridge will soon reopen to traffic
    Bawbee bridge will soon reopen to traffic

    You can find out when the road is set to reopen here.

  • Temporary closure of Dunniface core path

    A section of the core path P368/02 at Dunniface near Cameron Bridge will close to the public from Monday November 20 until the end of May 2024.

    Closure of part of the Water Balk Path, which carries walkers between Windygates and Methilhill, is needed to enable Network Rail to carry out work associated with the new railway.

    Work will include the enhancement of active travel routes in the area and while the closure is in place underfoot conditions will be difficult with be extensive movement of materials, plant and machinery ongoing.

    During that time, the area will be an active work site and will be fenced off and inaccessible for members of the public to protect their safety.

    Dunniface core path closure
    Dunniface core path closure

    A short diversion will take walkers safely around the site to reconnect with the path beyond the area of the work.

    Joe Mulvenna, Project Manager, Network Rail said “The temporary closure of the footpath at Dunniface is unavoidable and is necessary to allow the project to carry out work connected to the rail link project.

    Dunniface core path
    Dunniface core path to be closed

    “Safety is our number one priority and it’s important that we keep the public safe from the heavy plant and equipment that we are using.

    “This element of the project sees us begin the work to enhance the active travel routes in the area and we are looking forward to seeing the huge improvements in this around the Dunniface area.”

  • 14th July - Restrictions on Mountfleurie path

    With track-laying quickly progressing towards Leven, we need to take some steps to safeguard people using the path between Kirkland and Mountfleurie.

    Track laying near Cameron Bridge
    Track laying near Cameron Bridge

    For safety reasons we need to restrict access to this crossing on Thursday 20th and Monday 24th July between 1100-1500.

    During this time we suggest you use an alternative route as you may be delayed for circa 30 minutes.

    We are delivering the work in a way that minimises disruption to the walking route. To do this, we need to create safe windows where the public are kept at a safe distance and the work immediately on the crossing can be progressed.

    Banksmen will be in place to restrict access for a circa 30 minute period a number of times during the four-hour window. When signalled it is safe to do so, they will then enable people to continue their journey.

    While we appreciate the nearest alternative walking route may add a mile to your trip, this option may offer the certainty you need when planning your journey.

    Thank you for your cooperation during these periods.

  • Track laying reaches Cameron Bridge station - July 2023

    Work to lay the new track has reached the first station-site on the new link.

    Engineering train at Cameron Bridge station
    Engineering train at Cameron Bridge station

    You can read more about track-laying on the project reaching Cameron Bridge station here.

  • Bawbee bridge work progress - July 2023

    Concrete is poured on the first abutment - side wall - of the new Bawbee bridge.

    Bawbee bridge abutment concrete pour
    Bawbee bridge abutment concrete pour

    You can watch a video update on the work at the bridge here.

  • Drivers - start your engines.

    Confirmation that the temporary road and bridge in place to enable the demolition and reconstruction of the Bawbee bridge is now open.

    Traffic on newly opened temporary bridge in Leven
    Traffic on newly opened temporary bridge in Leven

    You can see a fly-over of the structure here.

    The temporary link opened at circa 13.00, slightly earlier than anticipated and will be in place until the work on the bridge above the site of the new station is complete.

  • Temporary bridge opens to traffic in Leven

    Network Rail has announced that the temporary bridge carrying traffic across the river during the demolition of the River Leven – Bawbee – bridge will open on Friday May 5 with an anticipated time of 15.00.

    Temporary road bridge at Leven
    Temporary road bridge at Leven

    The new temporary crossing, which has been funded by Fife Council, will support 18,000 vehicle movements per day during major work by Network Rail to demolish the old bridge as part of the Levenmouth Rail Link project.

    You can read more about it here.

  • Cameron Bridge progress update

    We are pleased with the progress of work at Cameron Bridge station.

    So far, more than 5,000 tonnes of material has been used to create the base of the two platforms before casting the concrete foundations for each of the near 200m-long structures.

    Cameron Bridge station platform walls
    Cameron Bridge station platform walls

    More than 1,000 tonnes of stone recycled from the old Windygates station has also been used to create access roads to the new station.

    With all the rail facing precast platform units installed and waterproofed, attention turned to the rear walls – construction, waterproofing and backfilling. And when this is complete, we will begin to look at the foundations for the bridge and construction of the lift pits.

    You can watch an update from the project manager here.

    Located southeast of Windygates just off the A915, Cameron Bridge station will have 125 car parking spaces, provision for electric vehicle charging, accessible spaces and cycle storage. It will have a bus stop and turning circle and will connect to local communities via new footpaths.

    It will also connect to Methilhill via a new bridge over the river to the south.

    The work remains on track to complete in spring 2024.

  • Offering clarity on Doubledykes crossing

    We are aware that the proposed closure of Doubledykes Level crossing has met with a negative response from a small minority of people in the local area and beyond.

    While we have listened to and fully understand their view and respect their right to campaign, we are disappointed that the true position is being distorted and the reality of the legal position around the crossing is being misrepresented.

    To address some of the inaccurate commentary, we have developed the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to address some of the key points around the closure of this crossing point.

    In common with the majority of our work on the railway, our position is informed by the need to promote the safety of the operational railway and those who travel on it as well as the safety of lineside residents.

    We hope this helps to clarify the legal position and our position in relation to this matter.

  • Leven station building momentum for new rail link

    The new Leven station is beginning to take shape after two months of intensive work on the site.

    Leven station foundation works
    Leven station foundation works

    Since breaking ground in early February, engineers have been working hard to create the new platforms for the station.

    You can read more about it here

  • Aerial Fly through showing update on progress at December 2022

    We have made great progress on the reconnection of the Rail Link since starting work at the beginning of 2022.

    You can see what we have achieved via this aerial fly-through.

  • Station images added to site

    Images presented at pre-planning application submission community engagement have been added to the site.

    Cameron Bridge station AI
    Cameron Bridge station AI

    Some of the plans and images which were displayed at the Community drop in events at Methilhill and Leven earlier in the month have been added to the web site.

    Proposed waiting shelters at Leven and Cameron Bridge
    Proposed waiting shelters at Leven and Cameron Bridge

    You can view the images in the Locations section where the information on the station sites is hosted.

    All of the information and supporting documents in relation to the planning applications will shortly be hosted on Fife Council's planning portal.

    Looking north over Leven station
    Looking north over Leven station

    We will post a link to this when it is live and we are encouraging everyone to get involved and offer their views and opinions on the new stations.

  • Station planning applications submitted

    Rail Link station planning applications submitted
    Rail Link station planning applications submitted

    Network Rail has submitted the planning applications for the development of new stations at Cameron Bridge and Leven as part of the Levenmouth Rail Link project.

    You can read more about this story on our news section by clicking link below.

    Planning ahead for new stations on the Levenmouth Rail Link project


    Spoil from the demolished old Cameron bridge station
    Spoil from the demolished old Cameron bridge station

    Following the successful completion of the first mile in March, and significant progress on the second mile, the removal of the old platforms of the former Cameron Bridge station clears the way for the next stages of track work.

    You can read more about the work to remove the old platforms by clicking the link. Platform removal clears way for double tracking at Cameron Bridge

  • Work compounds key to efficient delivery

    One of the first and key enabling tasks at the start of any major infrastructure project is to decide the locations of, and construct the work compounds – and this is no different for the Levenmouth Rail link project.

    Compound set-up on Levenmouth rail link
    Compound set up on Levenmouth rail link

    The size and type of compounds required can vary significantly and will reflect the requirements for a particular piece of work or to serve a specific purpose on a project.

    At this point in time, we envisage that the Levenmouth project will be delivered using six compounds and two main sites – one to the east and one to the west of the route. There will also be four satellite compounds – two of which will focus on the stations and two focussed on bridge works.

    Compound set-up on Levenmouth rail link
    Creating compound on Leven Rail link

    The main compound which will host the project’s site office will be at the Heritage Centre in Leven, is currently being developed. To the west of the route, the compound at Double Dikes is already in place and is supporting early track works. As well as staff accommodation, it has space for plant and materials and can act as a lay down area for equipment arriving to site.

    Also already in place are compounds at Tullybreck and Cardowrie. These will be the bases for the bridge works with space for plant and materials,. They will be largely self-sufficient in delivering the required work on the structures along the route.

    Satellite compounds at Leven leisure centre and at Cameron Wood will host the staff who will deliver the station elements of the project and these will be established ahead of work getting underway on this part of the project.

    Compound set-up on Levenmouth rail link
    Landing cabins as part of compound set up

    The siting of compounds has to reflect the needs of the project but it is also dependent on available land and how it can be accessed from the road network. So, its not just about establishing the compound, its also about creating haul roads to enable vehicles to get to it and to ensure access where required to the rail corridor.

    Compounds and haul roads to date have used more than 9000 tonnes of stone to construct !

    Creating the infrastructure we need to deliver the project is a major task in itself – and that’s before we even get to thinking about building a railway.

  • Update - Junction upgrade points east

    During a closure on East Coast Mainline on Sunday 6th March, the Levenmouth project team took advantage of the fine spring weather to make important upgrades to Thornton North Junction which will allow trains to once again run onto the branch line.

    Thornton North Junction points upgrade
    Upgrading Thornton North Junction to reconnect the Leven branch line

    The team replaced switches on a set of points as well as relaying sleepers and rails on the junction.

    Successfully completing this work at Thornton North junction enables us to move forward with the work to create the first new sections of track on the west side of the Levenmouth rail link.

  • Latest News - Work is underway to deliver Levenmouth Rail link

    Levenmouth moves a step closer to the reintroduction of passenger services for the first time in more than fifty years, bringing with it exciting new journey opportunities and economic benefits for the area.

    Work underway near Thornton Junction
    Work underway near Thornton Junction

    You can read more about it here

  • Latest News - Fife MSPs visit Levenmouth Rail link site

    As activity continues to prepare for the start of work on the Levenmouth Rail Link, Members of the Scottish Parliament Jenny Gilruth and David Torrance visited site to see first-hand the progress that has been made.

    Fife MSPs visit Leven rail link site

    You can read more here.

  • Latest news - Redundant Leven track to support heritage railways.

    The Levenmouth rail link project has now completed work to remove the old disused track and redundant infrastructure from the former branch line.

    October 21 Track lifting work complete
    Track Lifting now complete at Leven

    Completing the removal of redundant and life expired railway equipment is an important step forward for the project and is the most significant work completed to date.

    You can read more here.

  • Latest News - Track work is a big lift for Levenmouth rail project

    The Levenmouth rail link project has taken another huge step forward with the start of work to remove the old disused track and redundant infrastructure from the former branch line.

    Following on from last month’s confirmation that the line will be double tracked and electrified, and announcement of the station locations when Transport Minister Graeme Dey visited Leven, the removal of the old disused tracks is another clear signal that project is gathering momentum.

    You can read more about the track lifting here.

  • Latest News - Levenmouth rail link plans unveiled

    Scottish Government Transport Minister, Graeme Dey has announced that reinstated line will be double tracked and electrified and confirmed locations of the two stations.

    The Transport Minister made the announcement on a visit to Leven to see the site of what will be the the new station and walk part of what will be the new line.

    You can read more about the project here.

  • Latest News - Former railway yard supports work to reinstate Levenmouth rail link

    Network Rail has taken delivery of sixteen thousand sleepers that will form part of the new Levenmouth Rail link.

    The sleepers have been delivered to and are being stored in Thornton Yard, to the west of the branch line, ahead of major work to deliver the project from early 2022.

    You can read more details here.

  • Latest News - Bats about Levenmouth Rail Link

    Network Rail has worked with staff at the Forth Rivers Trust to put up bat boxes along the route of the Levenmouth Rail link.

    This work is part of the Leven Connectivity Programme and followed on from the initial removal of trees along the route to clear the space for the new rail development.

    You can read more here.

  • Latest News - A sign of things to come at Leven

    Network Rail is advising people who are using the disused Leven railway corridor to ‘be aware’ as activity increases ahead of work to reinstate the line.

    In the years since the line closed, the area has been used by local people for walking, running, fishing and nature watching as it is flat, vehicle-free and offered good views of, and access to, the river, even though the line has always been classed as operational railway.

    With preparatory work well underway ahead of the reconstruction of the railway, Network Rail is urging caution and are asking people to be extra careful if they continue to use the area due to the increasing number of vehicles and site activity.

    You can read more here

  • Latest News – This is not a drill – Ground Investigation is progressing

    Work to carry out site and ground investigations all along the line of the Levenmouth rail link continues and we are making good progress.

    Ground investigations determine the rock conditions and gives the designers of the railway the information they need to develop the detailed delivery plans and help inform the specification and requirements for construction of the railway.

    We do this by carrying out Sonic Drilling at specific locations in the area - taking soil and rock samples for testing insitu to determine the best way forward for the project.

    We will continue to keep you up to date with progress on the project via the web site, but if you have any questions you can email

  • Latest News - Community Engagement closes

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to contact us to ask questions and to share their views on the proposed station locations for the Levenmouth Rail link.

    Many people also took up the offer to meet with the project team at our ‘virtual’ community engagement events which were both challenging and informative. And although not ideal, it was great to get the chance to meet and talk to local people about the project.

    We are hopeful that circumstances in 2021 will allow us to meet in person and give us more opportunities to discuss the project as it evolves and develops.

    In the meantime, you can continue to ask questions via the online submission form on the web site or by emailing

    Our next step is to review the feedback received from the community engagement and views shared through project partners and stakeholders to decide the ‘preferred option’ which we will take forward.

    We will continue to update via the web site and on social media - @NetworkRailScot – as work towards getting #LevenmouthReconnected.

  • Latest News - Project web site to host community engagement sessions

    The Fife public are being given a platform to share their views on plans for Levenmouth Rail link through online information sessions.

    Though focussed on the sites of the new stations, the project will welcome views on all aspects of the project such as active travel links, station facilities or integration with other transport modes.

    More details here https://www.networkrailmediace…

  • Latest News Vegetation clearance begins

    Devegetation is now underway at the west end of the route and is progressing well.

    Listen to our project sponsor explain what we are doing and why here.

  • Latest News - It's up and away for Levenmouth rail link work

    Watch this video for more on forthcoming works.

    See more of the line from this unique angle and find out more about what work we will be doing and why in the coming months as we prepare the project, here.


With lack of transport cited as a key indicator of social deprivation, such a significant investment in rail infrastructure has the potential to be genuinely transformational for regeneration of the area.

Improving transport links also supports the wider decarbonisation agenda and will trigger modal shift from road to rail.

On completion Levenmouth Rail Link will deliver substantial social benefits and opportunities for local people - unlocking access to education, culture, entertainment and employment options, as well attracting new business and investment.

What will change?

The development of Levenmouth rail link will see:

  1. 19 single track kilometres of new / reinstated railway. (This means a double track railway running the full length).
  2. Two new modern accessible stations
  3. Electrification of the line
  4. Work with partners to optimise travel / interchange options connecting stations
  5. Work with local groups and stakeholders to support and promote social, economic and regeneration aspirations
  6. Work with stakeholders and local interest groups to support environmental goals and promote active travel and active leisure activities in the railway corridor
  7. Work with stakeholders and business to consider freight options as part of the development
  8. Work with local groups to consider opportunities in tourist / charter connections.