
Waverley Masterplan

Waverley Masterplan

Led in partnership by Network Rail, Transport Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council, The Waverley Masterplan Concept will form a framework for the evolution of the station, supporting Edinburgh’s civic improvement and economic growth.

Public Information, Events & Consultation

Engagement commenced in late 2018 and continued for over a year. A number of stakeholder groups were identified with whom more detailed engagement would be beneficial. Heritage, Active Travel, Access & Inclusion and Transport stakeholders were all met to enable issues and opportunities specific to their interests to be explored. A joint stakeholder workshop was held to assist in selecting a preferred masterplan option and a joint community session arranged with residents from both the Old Town and New Town & Broughton Community Council areas.

In March 2019, a 5 week public consultation enabled members of the public, rail customers and other interested parties to provide feedback on the masterplan options including the preferred masterplan strategy. The consultation was publicized through traditional and social media as well as a mail-drop to 4,000 businesses and residents and reaching out to the wider community using the city’s libraries.

In due course, the masterplan will be formally presented to the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government for consideration and adoption. Following this it is expected that the redevelopment of the station will be included in the relevant City of Edinburgh Council plans and the national Strategic Transport Projects Review. In turn this will feed into the Network Rail Scotland project pathway and development of funding requirements.